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With the development of market economy, the frequency of the contract in a market economy appears more and more, it also plays an increasingly important role in the market economy, but at the same time the use of contracts to obtain illegal benefits of a growing phenomenon and behavior more can be summarized as contract fraud. Currently signed economic contracts, there is a certain risk of fraud and fraudulent concealment, difficult legal rights. So we want to contract fraud exists in-depth understanding of the feature known as contract fraud, and be effectively prevented in practice. This paper describes the features of the concept of contract fraud and fraud, and how to guard against fraud, the contract was explored.

Keyword:Contract fraud; features; methods and measures







随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,利用合同进行欺诈的案件越来越多,欺诈的标的越来越大,这种违法乃至犯罪行为,给市场经济的发展带来了灾难性的后果。我国在严厉打击欺诈行为,积极维护社会经济安全的立法上作出了很大的努力,例如:我国《合同法》第52条规定:“一方以欺诈、胁迫手段订立合同,损害国家利益,合同无效。” 《合同法》第54条规定:“一方以欺诈、胁迫手段或者乘人之危,使对方在违背真实意思表示的情况下订立的合同,受害方有权请求人民法院或者仲裁机构变更或者撤消。”我国《刑法》分则第三章第八节扰乱公共秩序罪部分对诈骗罪有明确的规定。合同欺诈行为产生的原因是多方面的,单靠目前立法并不能从根本上解决问题,只有对合同欺诈的概念、性质、构成、法律责任及相关法律关系等多方面进行综合分析,才能从根本上遏制合同欺诈,促进市场经济的发展。本文从现实民事典型案例入手分析合同欺诈现象,提出一些解决方法。

The Problem of Contract Fraud





Along with the development of the our country socialism market economy, make use of the case that contract proceed double-tongued more and more.The double-tongued object is increasingly, this kind of break the law is to criminal offence, the development for market economy brought the disaster result.Our country cheats the behavior at the scathing stroke, making the very big effort on the social economic safe lawmaking in positive maintenance.For example,Our country “Contract”method the 52 regulation rules settle:“either party enters into contract by means of fraud or coercion and impairs the State’s interests, the contract is invalid.” Also “Contract” method the 54 rules settle:“ Where a party makes the other party enter into a contract against its true will by means of deceit,coercion or taking advantage of its difficulties , the injured party has the right to request a people’s court or an arbitration institution to alter or rescind the contract .”According to our country “Pertaining to crime law” then a section a the public order offense part to deceive offense contain clear and definite provision. The contract cheats the reason of the behavior

creation is various, single depend the lawmaking now and can't solve problem by the root, only have the concept to cheat to contract, kind, constitute, law duty and other law relation etc. various factor, proceed synthesize the analysis, then can suppress by the root the contract cheat, promoting the development of the market economy. This text commences to analyze from the realistic civil case typical model case example the contract cheats the phenomenon, putting forward the some the method of solution.

[Key words] Fraud, The contract fraud, The contract deceives

(一) 合同欺诈的历史渊源

据考证,英文“Contract”,法文“Contract”或“Pacte”,德文”Vertrag”或 “Kontrakt”等,均源自拉丁文“Contractus”一词,汉文译作“合同”,或称为“契约”。合同是平等的自然人、法人、其他组织等主体间以设立、变更、终止民事权利义务为目的而进行的意思表示一致的法律行为。



学的角度对“欺诈”一词所作的解释。美国人类学家霍贝尔说:“如果能完全不致歪曲事实和含义,又能用大家熟悉的术语讲述这些问题,看来总是受人青睐的。因此,在对法的任何研究中,只要有可能运用法学已经提供给我们的术语和概念,是人们所希望的。”[2]那么在法律意义上“欺诈”又是指的什么呢?在我国,根据最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行中华人民共和国民法通则若干问题的意见(试行)》第68条规定:“一方当事人故意告知对方虚假情况,或者故意隐瞒真实情况,诱使对方当事人做出错误意思表示的可以认定为欺诈行为”。在国外,大多数国家一般不把欺诈归于刑法管辖的范围,而将其归于民事法律管辖之中。 “欺诈”一词从单纯的语言学意义上与“诈骗”无实质性区别,但由于我国在法律上对它们作了不同的区分,因此这两种行为就带有不同的法律色彩。一般说,欺诈属于民法处理的行为,行为人实施该行为,只须承担民事责任,毋须承担刑事责任,而诈骗则属于刑法惩治的行为,行为人实施该行为,则要承担刑事责任。